Friday, October 15, 2010

Happiness Is...

Our world is full of negativity and depression lately. There is horror and sadness on every news station. It seems like devastation and destruction line our newspaper headings everyday, and our families and friends are constantly being attacked by unforeseeable enemies. So it's no wonder happiness can be a hard thing to find if you don't know where to look. To me happiness is:

watching my babies play and listening to their laughter
sugar free red bull at just the right time of day
baking cookies and not caring about the mess
grocery shopping date nights
finding a really good coupon and using it
making a delicious dinner everyone enjoys
having all the dirty laundry off the floor
talking about the future with the man of my dreams
playing cards at GG's with the girls
freezing cold ice water
donating to a good cause
sleeping past 6:30 am
a walk/bike ride with the family
having a clean car to drive
Shellie's vacuum cleaner
watching my brothers play football
having waxed eyebrows
a babysitter my kids adore
sincere thank yous
lime green fingernail polish

My list really could go on and on... but you get the point. :) If you look for happiness you can find it in every day's littlest things.

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