Friday, October 15, 2010

Trying to lead a "Libra Life"

Libra is the only astrological sign that is not human-ish or an animal. The sign for Libra is the scales, balanced scales. I am a Libra, in fact I am right in the middle of the dates which are 9/23 to 10/23 - my birthday is 10/10, so I'm pretty much the ultimate Libra, if you will. :) So why can I not achieve balance?

There are so many aspects to one's life; Kids, Marriage, Family, Church, Education, Charity, Health, Fitness, Finance, Home Life, Social Life, etc. And in addition to/or along with each category are many roles to play; Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Grand-daughter, Niece, Cousin, Friend, Neighbor. It seems the harder I try to find balance in my busy life the further from it I get. Perhaps if I didn't try so hard things would fall into place... but that is a tough concept to believe. If I don't actively try to have a social life, it won't happen. If I just go on about my daily responsibilities my husband gets neglected.  And when I make time for me to relax I feel guilty because I am ignoring something else that needs to be done.

I want to be a well-rounded individual if for nothing more than to act as a model for my children to follow but it is extremely hard to achieve. I guess it's one of those "fake it 'til you make it" parts of life. :) In which case... I am doing alright for now! lol.

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