Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Life Lessons: Weed Whackers

Life is full of learning curves. Today's learning moment is thanks to weed whackers:

#1. Shorts and flip flops are a no no.

#2. Weed whackers shoot things at you at incredible speeds ... those things hurt.

#3. Before you turn on one you should know how to turn it off.

#4. Trimming half of your yard may not be a glass half-full situation. It looks bad.

Oh weed whacker... one day we will be friends, today was NOT that day! :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

September 1st

Oh I can not wait!! I love the begining of September, almost as much as New Years!! It too is a new begining of sorts. A new school year, a return to schedules and order, the begining of fall and upcoming events just around the corner: school, my birthday, halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, new years, and on and on... the fun just keeps going. Hooray, hooray, horray!!