Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Converstations with Myself

I know a lot of people "talk to themselves" well, when I (we) discuss ideas it happens in the privacy of my own head, and for good reason.

If someone or something upsets me. Usually I can talk myself "off a cliff" so to speak. I can stop confrontations, I can calm myself down and keep from making a scene, or stop myself from saying something I would regret (usually the truth, but I would regret saying it all the same).
Today that was not the case. Oops.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda... but didn't.

I love blogging. I realize no one really reads my entries, except maybe my two sisters... but that is another post in itself. (Ok, maybe not a whole post, just four meaningful words broken up with punctuation for emphasis. lol.)

I enjoy blogging because I am "emotionally unstable". I bottle up my frustrations, my fears, and believe it or not most of my anxieties. (If you could just see my thoughts you'd... well, probably commit me. Like to an institution, not just the priest in a closet/porta-potty type committing.) When I write I can let it out and just relax my shoulders that always seem to feel so heavy with everyone's needs/wants/problems.

I tried scream therapy. Didn't work. Maybe I didn't try hard enough but to me screaming is never the answer. I am not a fan of yelling, and if I do it and it accomplishes something I get even more upset. So crossed out the screaming.

Taking time for myself isn't really an option these days, too much anxiety to leave my kids. Sad and crazy I know. And I wish the knowledge of something made it less so, but alas that is not the case.

Bathing alone when your bathroom door doesn't lock didn't work either.

Ice cream, well it only works til the pint... or gallon is gone. Not to mention, it brings on even more depression when you realize your fat pants are getting snug! lol.

So, I blog. I type meaningless words to pointless sentences that ramble on ... and I love it!! I should do it more, I would do it more, and quite frankly I could do it more, but I don't. But I am going to make an effort to do it more regularly, if for nothing more than a few minutes of "ahhhhh" time.