Sunday, September 23, 2012

2012 Night of Champions NPC Body Building Competition, Spokane WA

Waking up way too early to drive way too far (with littles anyway!) on only 3 hours of sleep sounds like a disaster, but let me tell you - it was a GREAT time!! Even if I may not have agreed with the judges... in fact I strongly disagree with their decisions. I am pretty biased though so I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

Here is the photo:
In case you don't know. Brad is in the front, wearing the #1... and yet. He got third. THIRD. Not even second.  See the teeny, tiny boys behind him? Yeah. They both beat him. Really judges?!..  Interestingly enough the twiggy twins are both good ol' local boys from Spokane.
Can you say political win? 
The announcer shook his head and sighed when he saw the results.
After getting their awards, the top three get their photos taken and the official photographer said this to Brad "Hey big guy you stand here, then 2nd place here and 3rd place there".  When Brad walked over to the 3rd place position. The photographer said "No, no, no... we need you to stand front and center." When Brad told him he got third place, the photographer stopped and said "Huh. Uh ok, you're in the right place then."

There were other comments like:

"You should have walked off stage."

"I would have kicked the trophy at the judges"

... others I'm sure I wasn't privy to. I know I wanted to throw a few chairs, but Brad handled it like a champ. He was calm and cool about it, disappointed of course but he allowed himself to be sad and then got over it. He was back to his happy, dorky self in no time :) It was a really good trip and we all had a GREAT time supporting our very own rising star.





Sunday, September 16, 2012

Expensive Addictions

It's expensive to have an addiction, we all know this. And in my opinion the only thing worse than blindly paying for your own addiction is knowingly paying for someone else's. Here's an example... hypothetical of course.

Say you are a smoker.

Maybe you smoke a pack a day.

Each pack costs you around $8 dollars

In one week you (as long as you stick to one pack a day) it will cost roughly $60.

Nearly $250 a month.... just for one little, incredibly unhealthy and disgustingly smelly addiction.

Good thing I don't have a really bad and expensive addiction, like drinking or smoking. Not sure how I'd be able to pay for that and all the other important necessities of life, like a mortgage or food.

Please excuse my crankiness I had to cut back on my caffeine, it was getting too expensive. :) lol

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sisters (...and Brothers)

Three Sisters

By: Francis I. Gillespie **edited a bit by me :)
We are three sisters
Three sisters are we
I love each of you,
And I know you love me

We’re not always together,
Life sometimes keeps us apart.
But we're never really separated
Because we’re in each others' heart.

The Lord has given me lots of happiness and glee
One of the best things, was making us sisters ... all three.

My sister rock!!! And... I'm so lucky because my brothers are amazing too!!

I can't imagine my life without any one of my siblings and I have been particularly thankful for each one of their roles in my life lately. We are all so grown up and our bonds are getting even stronger now that we are all older and I freaking love it. :)

I wanted to sit down and type out a list of all the ways they have helped me so I could truly be grateful and have a reminder of how amazing they are.

 ... but it's never ending. (Seriously, I tried...)

There isn't a kind act in the world one (or all!) of my siblings haven't helped me with. Everything from rescuing me from the side of the road (hanging out with me until the AAA guy shows up counts too), washing my dishes, pulling weeds in my yard (even if you pretend to be tanning), Babysitting my kids for hours on end or listening to me whine and cry. Bringing me dinner when I'm too sick to cook, running errands, picking up kids, dropping off kids, driving me to the hospital's emergency room over and over again, being the calm voice of reason, telling me a joke to make me laugh, stopping by to see how I am doing, texting me just because they love me, hating people just because I hate them, thinking of me when funny things happen ...

... see what I mean?!! It could go on and on forever, and not the normal kind of forever, the Sandlot kind of F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!...  and they do it all with a smile on their face.

They never made me feel like I was being a burden to them, because helping me was exactly what they wanted to do that day.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Positive thinking ...

Some days I find it's hard to think positively, and I really don't like negativitiy or bad feelings/thoughts to linger so when I need a little bit of good energy in my day browse Pintrest.
I enjoy searching for happy quotes, zen habits, awe-inspiring 'I should write this on my mirror so I see it every day' mantras or just some good 'ol fashioned pee your pants funnies. Here are my favorites from today.
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Now, back to my life. :)