Thursday, February 7, 2013

That's what's up!!!

104% for my Psychology class! ... it does kinda help to have a Master's level Psychologist within shouting distance though haha!!


Confessions of the mind lighten the burden of the soul. -Brian Seaward

I have decided to start writing in a journal again. I think it will be good. I have SO MANY unpublished posts just sitting here on my blog but, there is just something about being too open online that stops me from publishing them. That whole, accessible to anyone for practically eternity. Trust me, some of my thoughts are better left unsaid... well, unread but that doesn't mean I don't need to get them out of my head. So journaling it is! I just pray that no one finds them. I'd really hate to be committed to a mental hospital... white, just really isn't my color. :)
In case you decide that you too could benefit from the therapeutic effort of journal writing, perhaps as a way to relieve stress, as a coping technique or way to increase your self-awareness I have decided to share with you my strategy to find my inner peace (and yes, I totally mean in the way of Po, the Kung Fu Panda. haha)

1. Buy an amazing journal. Something wild and bright, maybe lime green or neon orange... I will know I found it when it that makes my eyes and heart happy just to pick up.

2. Make time for me to write. Alone, undistracted. Maybe while soaking my feet or listening to my jams.

3. Identify the concerns and problems that are causing me the most frustration, grief and tension then write about them til the why is identified and acknowelgded so I can find a solution or move on.

4. Be completely honest and totally uncensored. No one else is going to read it so why not be anything but exactly me.

5. Make lists, draw pictures, rhyme... be silly. Whatever it is that needs to get out, let it so I can cleanse my mind of toxic thoughts and emotion overload.

6. Use my chaotic thoughts to implement behavioral changes so I can be the happiest person I can be and find my inner peace... Po style. :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness and everything to do with strength.