School blows right now. Here is my top 3 reasons why...
#3. I am not taking ANY classes I am even remotely interested in this quarter.
#2. They are all online, saves on babysitting needs/costs but it makes it more difficult to feel compelled to do homework.
#1. Quite frankly I am not a fan of actually learning new stuff.
... say what?! Yes, this is a shocking recent development. Apparently in addition to being ridiculously good looking I am also pretty smart. I have never had to study much to get great grades.
Here's the kicker, I have reached the limit of my abilities. I can not just BS my way through these particular classes. I actually have to read and study, then read some more and study some more. Before I look stuff up online ...and then re-read and, yep, study some more. Ain't that a bitch?
(It is, in case you did not realize the answer to the question. It really, really is!!)