Sunday, April 18, 2010

all in a day's work

My to-do list's are forever long... they always have been. Everything I can think of that needs done gets written down. Some people would find it overwhelming yet I enjoy knowing everything has been acknowledged.

The sad thing is that at the end of the day, the things I wanted to do the most were left for last and didn't find a place in my busy day. Things like scrapbooking, walking to the park with the kids, exercising, taking a relaxing bath while reading a chapter in my book. ... the things I do for me.... the things that make ME happy.

So what did I spend my day doing, well ... phone calls, bills, organizing, the never ending tidying up, loads and loads of dishes, the huge mounds of laundry that seem to be in every room, taking out the trash, vaccuuming, sweeping, mopping, etc. And while it does feel good to get them done, I ignored my family and myself to accomplish it.

I feel like I take on too much responsibility, because if I don't do it... who will? Sounds like its time for a chore chart!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The "Evil" Stepmother

I have long said I should write a book about the TRUTH behind the Cinderella Story, the evil stepmother's point of view. Perhaps one day I will. But I would just like to point out that there are always two sides to every story. We are only getting one version and whose to say it is the truth?! Quite frankly I believe Cinderella was a bitch. Her father's family didn't want her after he passed away. Wonder why? Well... she was a problem child (please know that to say problem child is to just to be polite, unbelievably f'd up is more politically correct). She was a liar, ungrateful, rude and caused all kinds of problems. Not limited to assaulting teachers and children half their age. Lets not leave out a general disdain for honesty and overall lack of respect. Her poor step mother volunteered to help this child only to go down in history as "evil". How unfortunate.