Friday, April 22, 2011


So I am seeing a mental health counselor. Well... meeting with her and signing paperwork so that in 6 weeks we can maybe start to discuss my issues. Annoying. Three weeks ago I had my intake appointment. Today I had my first appointment where we discussed disclosure details and legal stuff. In 3 more weeks we will go over my treatment plan, and emergency plan... and maybe, just maybe if we get all the paperwork done we will discuss my issues and set up a psych evaluation at the following appointment.


That's a lot of waiting. What if I was in serious trouble? What if I came looking for help as a last ditch effort before killing myself? Pretty sure I wouldn't sit around in my misery for 9 weeks waiting for someone to hopefully start to help me. I know there are emergency channels for things like that, but it wouldn't surprise me if they had hoops of their own.

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