Friday, March 16, 2012

another one of those days

Ever have one of those days where it seems like nothing is going your way? Yeah, me too. More often than I'd like to admit. Today though, oh boy today... well, it's close to taking the cake as far as bad days go.

Spend the night coughing so violently I can barely sleep: CHECK

Wake up late and have to rush the boys around so they catch the bus on time: CHECK

Get some bad news: CHECK

Back pain is so bad that driving to/from Ellensburg made me cry: CHECK.

Car accident in Gas Station parking lot, in Jabali's new car: CHECK.

Have an anxiety attack when finding out Xavior was watching my kids while his dad "laid in bed the whole time": CHECK.

I can't find any cough medicine left from Jabali's 3 day binge, no ibuprofen either. It's finally beautiful outside and I am too cranky and in pain to go out and enjoy it. Ugh. I am so done hurting, this pain has got to stop, my immune system needs to catch up, and I want time to relax... but there is no rest for mommies. It's just not in our contracts, which I don't remember signing by the way. :)

There is however, Scrubs seasons 1-9 on Netflix, and that my friends, is something worth smiling about.:) I'm going to feed kids, do bedtime routines, skip my chores and instead pop some popcorn, crack open some cheese sauce and laugh (inside, because real laughing hurts). What's a few more pounds anyway?


NaDell said...

I hate hard days! Get some good rest lady so you can recover! (Slip an orange in with that popcorn and it's all cancelled out, right???)

Honey with Lemon Juice and Water heated in the microwave for a minute is super soothing for sore throats, especially if done right before trying to sleep. The lemon works on your throat while the honey coats it so it doesn't hurt so bad. Try it out.
And the trouble with coughing and laughing is that then you have to pee! (I would know!)
Man, I am really missing the follow all comments after your comment feature blogger took away on some blogs!)

Sarah Ray said...

Does it have to be fresh lemon juice or can I do the concentrated in a plastic lemon thing? lol. I have the all natural honey from the McClure farm that is absolutely delicious, and I may have herbal lemon tea (that tastes awful, but might work!) Thanks for the tip, I think I've heard that before but my brain is always mushy when I get sick. haha.

I seriously have to cross my legs to cough or I do pee!! lol. We are so cool.

Yes! I miss that feature too. I almost never know unless I go look. Blogspot is moody sometimes!

NaDell said...

I just use the concentrated kind in the plastic or bottle of lemon.