Friday, April 6, 2012

Silly Sayings

My kids say the most hilarious things. I laugh and laugh... sometimes text it to a couple family members or do a quick facebook post and then forget about it. BUT, I want to start keeping these silly sayings and funny moments to relive again, and again... and again! :) So I am going to blog them. That way when my computers crash (3 in 5 years) I can still have the memories stored away online (unlike my notes, moments and memories from Quinn and Marley's first years of life! Yeah, total bummer.)

I am going to start with two of today's laugh out loud moments:

Me: Marley it's time to get ready for bed.
Marley: Mom, I don't understand you. I only speak spanish.
Me: lol. Thank you Dora.

Quinn was taking the garbage out during chore time, and he went to throw the garbage bag over the balcony into the open garbage can down below, but he missed then said: "Ohh, man... fail!" lol.

I love it!! :)

1 comment:

NaDell said...

Cute! Kids can be so funny (and so infuriating) at the same time!
PS. The email follow up comments is back! Hooray!