Friday, June 15, 2012

Life Lesson: Mowing the Lawn

Yep. I did it. For the first time in my entire life I mowed the lawn this week. With Jabali gone my darling little brother Jesse had been helping me, but his schedule got busy and the grass didn't get the memo that it needed to take a break from growing. So three weeks went by and I decided it was a necessary evil.

*If you haven't seen my yard its like a football field with corners and hills and all sorts of crazy obstacles. So keep that in mind before judging me :) .

1. Much like writing cursive in schools is now an unappreciated art so is lawn cursive. The grass was wicked long so my "artwork" was pretty awesome. To be honest, I tried to write my name first, but my lawn-mowing cursive is rusty so I switched to gang signs, much easier. I left up my gang signs for a while. Not because I was trying to send a message... I ran out of gas.

2. Using a weed whacker and using the lawn-mower are very similar in the fact that it's not a glass half-full situation. It's better to leave it long and let your neighbors think you are out of town, otherwise they see the "mow-hawk" (get it "mow" haha) down the center of your lawn and know you are a rookie.

3. Pay attention to low hanging branches on shrub-like trees. Just because you are focusing on creating nice lines in the lawn doesn't mean they won't attack you.... they will. Then you might panic because you feel trapped and covered in spiderwebs which might cause you to forget how to reverse leaving you with only two choices; death by shrubbery or tuck and roll, abandoning the lawnmower. Obviously you would choose the second one, giving you time to think out the logistics of getting the lawnmower unstuck,  and ... wave to all the nice people honking and laughing at you.

4. Grass doesn't look good with a fade. You should not switch blade length halfway through... and you should most definitely not switch back when you remember... it may create a ... race track feel/look. And it should be noted that while you may not notice the race track fade effect at ground level, when you are getting a drink of water and stop to admire your work out the window of your second story house it is,... quite noticeable.

5. Going too fast down a hill will not make you tip over, however, it will result in a really, weird and crazy expression on your face. Each and every time you do it. It's not a sensation you get use to. Ugly face. Every. Time. My advice? Go slower or embrace the face.  

When I decided to get down to business I only had trouble with the odd corners and that low hanging tree branch like scrub. Which reminds me, I need to buy a chainsaw... and learn how to use it. lol. :)


NaDell said...

I completely understand this! I had to mow our lawn in HS sometimes, but mostly it was my brothers. What about starting it? Was that hard too or do you have a newer mower at least?
I thought about mowing the lawn last week, but didn't. It rained so much that the lawn was tall before Andy had time and he had to cart 10 bags of grass to our yard garbage can. Normally it takes 3 or 4!

Stephanie said...

BAHAHA, one of my all time favorite posts!!! Mow-hawk, fade... Pure GENIUS! Love it, Love you!

Kaye said...

Haha... I had to read it to the whole car!!!! That was very clever! I could picture in my mind you freaking out and doing the tuck and roll!