Tuesday, June 19, 2012

a nudist in the making!

Quinn has decided to be a nudist. Now, I have my mind set on supporting my kids in any lifestyle they choose. I've prepared myself to have a gay son, a career minded daughter who didn't want children, drug loving hippy, government spy, anything that might shock a mother to hear... but I didn't even think about having a little nudey. lol. Here is how our post bathtub conversation went last night.

Quinn: I'm ready to get out.
Me: Ok. Jump out and I'll wrap up in your towel and get you some clothes.
Quinn: Nah, I don't need any clothes.
Me: You don't?
Quinn: I'm gonna stay naked forever.
Me: (laughing) What about when we go to the store?
Quinn: I will be naked everywhere we go. Always naked(he starts laughing)
Me: Well that will be interesting!
Quinn: I'm just kidding mom, but that would be funny huh?
Me: Yes, Quinn that would be very funny!!

I just LOVE my silly (naked) boy! :)

1 comment:

NaDell said...

Your kids are hilarious. I'm glad it was resolved easily. They won't all be that easy!