Saturday, November 3, 2012

50 Before 30 Results

My 30th birthday has come and gone (heck, it's not even my birthday month anymore!... slacker much? haha) But. He is the post you've all (actually, its probably just Brad) been waiting for!
So, after realizing that  my 50 before 30 list was going to fail short I decided to do 30 acts of kindness on my birthday as well, to make it up to myself. It was fun ... and hard at times... like Jesse paying for my lunch, when I had planned on paying for his and counting it toward my 30! Or when I realized that I might not be delivering the newspapers to the right "front door". (My grandma uses her back door as her front door, in fact she never uses her actual front door.) So when I secretly dropped her paper at her back/front door it made me wonder how many other people did this same thing-- meaning, my act of kindness was more of a "missing newspaper" game they may not be too thrilled to play first thing in the morning... I decided taking garbage cans back to their house instead of hiding their newspapers would be more kind. haha.
My favorites ones were putting change into a vending machine and walking away. Taping quarters to those silly toy machines at the front of stores and making a little ol' lady's day just by taking the time to stop and chat. :) I am not going to list out all the good deeds I did because then it becomes less about random acts of kindness and more along the lines of self indulgent bragging for how awesome I am ... and since everyone already knows of my awesomeness there is no need! haha
Bottom line, great birthday. :) 
50 Before 30: The recap!!
1. Save Money. Put money into a Savings Account AND leave it there.
2. Find a budget that works.
3. Get a handle on our debt, at least know what it is and what we owe to who.
4. Set up a bank account for Quinn and Marley BUT I did this for the big boys, so they have debit cards and will be learning the importance of smart money management, because money does, in fact, buy happiness.
5. Start a new investment portfolio with the hubs. Pssh... yeah right. Good thought though!
6. Get caught up on my tithing. BUT I did attempt to do it, so that is a success in itself!
7. Become coupon savvy for grocery shopping.
8. Tip a great waiter or waitress 100%.
9. Leave $5 somewhere for a random person to find with a note that says "It's your lucky day, Enjoy!"
10. Get another source of income, part time job maybe?

11. Enroll in a group exercise at the club.
12. Participate in an organzied 5k run.
13. Lose 40 pounds... at least! (40/40) Hey. Getting deathly ill still counts! I didn't say how I had to lose it! lol.
14. Get each of the boys into a physical activity/sport.
15. Buy a bike, and go bike riding. Yeah... no. haha.
16. Go to the gym with Brad one time.
17. Do the 30 Day Shred.
18. Create the ultimate workout I-Pod playlist. I was never quite satisfied but it is pretty legit!19. Master Winsor Pilates.
20. Whitten my teeth to perfection. Pretty dang white is close enough.
21. Get a tan... a real one.
Not sure this is an attainable goal?! lol
22. Be specifically thankful for one thing every week for one month.
23. Have a "girls only" activity once a month. (6/6)
24. Read the BOM cover to cover. Lofty goal, I can't even read a magazine cover to cover! Next time.
25. Buy something extravagant for myself. The most amazing $100 running shoes!! :) Thanks Jackie
26. Find the perfect bra. Not affordable, but perfect!
27. Start a blog. Good thing it doesn't say keep up with blog!
28. Create a routine that allows me time to myself daily.
29. Spend one night away from my kids.
30. Find the right medication for my craziness. I settled for one that works, it's right for now.

31. Host Sunday dinner 10 times. (50/10) ... now I can't stop! :)
32. Hold Family Night once a month for a year. Hmm.. Epic Fail.
33. Start a scrapbook for each kid.
34. Create a master birthday calendar. It even has all my new step-family members! Thank you facebook! haha
35. Get a one month supply of food storage for emergencies. I was SO close. Then the boys came down some teen boy ailment, ya know... the one where they are never not hungry. Now I am lucky to have a one week supply of food at one time.
36. Make a family photo album. ... in progress, so it counts!
37. Participate in a food drive.
38. Adopt a child for Christmas.
39. Host 10 service projects (10/10)
40. Donate time at a local shelter. My house is amost a local shelter.
41. Set up a regular date night with my husband.
42. Do 25 random acts of kindess. (25/25)

Random Ones
43. Eat at 10 different, new or little local resturants.
44. Take an online class, just for funsies.
45. Go to every park and play land in the Tri-Cities and take pictures. Close... This one will continue goal list or not! It's fun.
46. Create an ABC photo album. It's my family album, two goals, one album!
47. Sew pj pants for all the kids. *Christmas
48. Make a quilt for each kid. *Christmas
49. Give homemade gifts *Christmas
50. Smile at every person I see for a whole day. (harder than you think!!)


NaDell said...

Those ARE super ambitious! I'm amazed at the ones you DID do! I'd rather do all the ones you didn't do. We could SOOOO be a team. =)

Stephanie said...

Way to go!! You accomplished a ton of those, and they were pretty lofty. I am amazed at how much you accomplish with all the things you have going on. Love you...

Ps You should add go visit Stephanie to your next list :)

Kaye said...

Brads not the only one that waits for your next blog!! I love reading, you inspire me! And after I read what you do.. I go take a nap!
Love ya tons!