Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today's To Do List

Today's list is super exciting. Not! But... it's all gotta get done. :) ... perferably before the hubs gets home. I'm gonna need a Redbull.

load dishwasher
clean/wash counters
sweep kitchen floor
mop kitchen floor
clean and sweep entry, hall, landing and stairs
swiffer the upstairs
upstairs bathroom
downstairs bathroom
my bedroom
kids room
organize toys
put together donation box
x and jii's bedroom re-organization part 1
wash laundry ***
fold and put all washed laundry away
make all the beds
vacuum carpet and rug
spray flys inside
clean up playground and yard

morning snack
afternoon snack
bedtime snack
plan next weeks menu
write shopping list

put ping pong table in garage
set up new hallway display with pictures
get mail
print out budget for next two weeks
order Quinn's birthday supplies

get quiet time activites for church ready
put together diaper bag and books
bag snacks for little kids
wash and iron church clothes for everyone
announce family dinner at 6pm

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dora and Diego

Just a quick shout out.

Thank you Dora and Diego and Boots (of course) for teaching my son just enough spanish to really confuse me. He was telling me abajo today, and I was like "Say What?" I barely understand his slurred english and now we are doing spanish too. lol. :) So funny.

Monday, June 14, 2010

TV after 9pm.

Wow. Television after 9pm is AWFUL. You don't realize how offensive things are until there is a 10 year old sitting next to you. Talk about uncomfortable! My husband doesn't even notice it, but I get this awful pit in my stomach and start scrambling for a remote (to the total disdain of everyone else in the room). J always accuses me of acting naive because kids see and hear much worse in public school classrooms, but I am not being naive. I know that filth is out there and I am not pretending they don't hear or see things BUT... I just want our home to be a refuge from the filth. I don't want them to get an extra dose of gross when with us. Like that?!? hahaha... oh I think I am so funny sometimes. hahaha.

Sounds like a great time to updat the 'ol Ray Family Rules. :)

If I didn't hate you... I think I'd love you.

Do you ever think "If you weren't my sister (brother/cousin/child/etc) I wouldn't like you." It goes the same way for people we hate ... I think. If I didn't hate them I'm pretty sure I would love them. It's too bad life puts us on opposite sides of a table sometimes. One day when all is said and done, and none of it matters anymore I think some of my biggest enemies will become my good friends.

Hairy Legs

I love my hairy legs.

I didn't always have them you know. I used to shave them religiously. Sometimes twice a day, depending on that evening's list of activities. (Boy do I love activities!)

But now that I am a mom I can never find the time. Sometimes I'll start to shave, because I think I have a little extra time in the shower only to hear little fists pounding on the door... screaming for thier ma-mom. *sigh*

At first it was a bit embarrasing to always have hairy legs not to mention annoying, but now it's cool. That's right, you heard it here first... shaving your legs is out. Hairy is in!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010