Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today's To Do List

Today's list is super exciting. Not! But... it's all gotta get done. :) ... perferably before the hubs gets home. I'm gonna need a Redbull.

load dishwasher
clean/wash counters
sweep kitchen floor
mop kitchen floor
clean and sweep entry, hall, landing and stairs
swiffer the upstairs
upstairs bathroom
downstairs bathroom
my bedroom
kids room
organize toys
put together donation box
x and jii's bedroom re-organization part 1
wash laundry ***
fold and put all washed laundry away
make all the beds
vacuum carpet and rug
spray flys inside
clean up playground and yard

morning snack
afternoon snack
bedtime snack
plan next weeks menu
write shopping list

put ping pong table in garage
set up new hallway display with pictures
get mail
print out budget for next two weeks
order Quinn's birthday supplies

get quiet time activites for church ready
put together diaper bag and books
bag snacks for little kids
wash and iron church clothes for everyone
announce family dinner at 6pm

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