Sunday, January 2, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Yay 2011.

I am loving this new year. I realize it's only day 2, but so far I am accomplishing my main goal for this year... which is:  "To do the things I talk about doing". :) I have such good intentions and some really great ideas if only I would follow through with them... so,  I AM GOING TO!  In fact I have already done just that, three times!

I finally started my Girls Only Brunch Club. Our first official club meeting was at Olive Garden, wearing sweatpants. It was a blast. Only three other people came (and one of them was Shellie!), but it was New Year's Day -- so it was alot to ask people! haha. The four of us "Original Brunchers" had such a blast-- we all spent way too much on not so healthy food, and LOVED it. lol. I think we all advertised how great it was and joked about randomly discussed topics of brunch on our facebook pages, that we have a following now. I have high hopes for our next one!!

My second thing was to actually have our family dinner at the dinner table. It was amazing too. We had roast beef cooked in a sauteed mushroom and onion sauce, angel hair pasta, string beans, frog eye salad and deviled eggs. De-lish. I should be able to do it once a week. Fingers crossed for more, but I will be estatic with just Sundays.

Lastly, I did a small act of service each day. Can't tell you what they were or it's not service... it's bragging. :)

Hooray for the New Year and a New Me!!! :)

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