Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Grocery Shopping

Why is going grocery shopping so difficult? Why is it when we are out of food no one hesitates to complain to me, but when I offer to go I can't find a babysitter anywhere?! Yes, I can take my littles shopping with me... I have done it a hundred times before, but why do it when I don't have to? It's an added hour (at least) not to mention the stress of keeping them safe and near me at all times (I can't fit inside the clothing racks like I used to.)

Because I know that no one wants to babysit for me when I do go I rush. I run around, quickly grabbing the essentials I will need until Shellie can watch my kids...again. Tonight, the last night to use my doublers I wanted to go. I told my husband I wanted to go, that I needed to go. I have been creating make shift (but delicious, (: of course) meals for 2 days now. I have officially run out of ideas. He told me he needed to study for an exam and write a paper for school tomorrow. Ok fine. Jesse had football. Brad was going to work out. Shellie was in Othello. Then... after dinner, my husband started playing a video game with his kids. Great! Spending time with them is just great. So I left. Didn't say good bye. I was going to be so quick he wouldn't notice. I went to Walmart. Literally ran through the store grabbing my essential breakfast/lunch/dinner necessities. Total time collecting my items: 13 minutes. I went to check out. Every line was packed. I picked one line. Stood there for 10 minutes, realized it was the wrong lane to be in. So I moved down two. Of course the line I left picked up speed. (Isn't it always that way?!haha) Right then I committed to my new lane. Well, the man in front of me had problems with his card. He swiped it, didn't work, he tried again. Then his wife tried. Then the cashier tried; first on his side, then on her side, then on his side one more time. The he tried it again... then the cashier tried typing in the numbers. Nothing worked. His wife pointed out the ATM so I waited as he walked to the ATM and it didn't work. Then his wife tried it. Then he came back and decided to go to their bank and come back later so she delayed the transaction, which took a manager approval. I felt bad for the guy, really I did. That is my ALL TIME worst fear. How awful. It almost happened to me once, but that's another post all together. (thank heavens for xanax) Anywho 45 minutes later the cashier began scanning my items. One of my coupons didn't scan she said she was going to call over a manager (the same manager that took 10 minutes to get there last time.) Uh. No thank you. I just took my coupon back and said "Don't worry about it". It took me an hour and a half to grab 10 things at Walmart, I skipped Alberstons all together. Not enough time. Well, I left one bag behind... the giant package of steak. The only thing Brad can eat. *sigh* And I was in such a hurry that I didn't even grab the receipt out of the cart when I was getting into the car, so I can't go back in and prove I paid for it. Bummer.

It's sad that I have to fight for the "privilege" to go out and buy everyone food to eat.

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