Friday, June 3, 2011

Protesting Fiesta Foods!

I noticed that there were some really great deals going on at Fiesta Foods this week, especially on meat and produce so I planned to do a little shopping there before we headed out to get the rest of our list from Wal-Mart. I had my two littles with me (which naturally ups the stress level regardless of how well behaved they are), my coupon binder, and a detailed shopping list of what I was going to get.
We get there and park all the way to the far back side of the parking lot. Extra walking is a bonus and I drive a huge Suburban (with little power steering fluid in it at the moment) so I need lots of room to maneuver. As we walk in it's raining and all the carts are outside, soaking wet, without any paper towels in sight. That's ok, it's not their fault it’s raining sideways and gets under their overhang covering all the carts, but still annoying. We try to get into the store and there is a family just inside blocking the entrance and discussing whatever little ghetto jewelry they wanted to buy located at some weird little kiosk inside the front door. I politely say excuse me, (maybe they didn't hear me, or speak English) but they didn't move. So we patiently waited, I said excuse me again... still nothing. They didn't move until someone behind us said something in Spanish they then moved so we could pass through into the store.
Once inside, I notice it's packed. Really, really busy. I found it quite difficult to maneuver in the store because the aisles were so narrow; I couldn't fit my cart down if anyone else was in the same aisle. It was impossible to shop side by side with other people. Once Quinn got knocked into the Top Ramen by someone trying to get past us and no one apologized. Not entirely their fault but a little acknowledgement would have been polite. Also, their store doesn't follow the typical grocery store set up (in my opinion) so it took longer to get what I needed quickly.

Finally, we were done and we headed to the checkout lane. They had three cashiers, and about 3-4 people waiting at each lane. It was so bad that the people were waiting in the already too packed and too narrow grocery aisles, super. I stand at the closest lane (there was no way to get to the other lanes without going around the back part of the store. When it's our turn the lady starts ringing out our groceries and I set my coupons and wallet on the little checkout stand there next to her. I finally get all the stuff up on the conveyer belt and notice it's one of those stores that makes you bag your own groceries. Ok no big deal. I head down there and start bagging them. I had a lot of stuff so my items went on both sides of the bagging lanes. I was hurrying as fast as I could while keeping tabs on my antsy kids. Then the cashier announces she is done. I tell her that I have a few coupons to use also; she told me it's too late. I started to protest and then realized it wasn't going to make her take them so I just paid for it all. (Major bummer). At this point I hate this store and promise never to return unless they have a killer deal and I am only coming for a few things. After I pay I go back to bagging my groceries. She asks me to please hurry as she cannot check out the next person until I collect my things (just for the record I was not dilly dallying) I explain to her that I am going as fast as I can and will soon be done. She mutters something in Spanish and turns toward me to put her hand on her hip, then turns to the next cashier to say something. Meanwhile this little cart pusher old man starts helping me finish bagging. So sweet. But he happened to put my watermelon on top of my chips, which it rolled off of and landed nicely on my bread. But at this point I just want out of the store so I just ignored it.

We were finally on our way out of the store, we make it out the doors and I am stopped by some Hispanic lady in a red hoodie, she informs me she works for the store and flashes me some dollar store looking badge. She asked for my receipt and told me I didn't pay for a toy Quinn was holding (I let him get it to keep him entertained while we were in line. I remembered handing it to him while I was bagging groceries. I paid for it.) She had my receipt and said she didn't see it on there and told me I needed to come back into the store with her. I stopped protesting and followed her into the store. She went right to a cash register, rang up the toy and returned informing me that shop lifting is a serious offense and she caught 3 different people yesterday and they all had to pay a $250 fine, and that the toy I stole was not worth it. She said she was going to give me a second chance and I only owed her $3.57 today and that she hoped I would learn a lesson from this.

She handed me my original receipt back, I politely informed her that I did in fact pay for the toy but rather than bagging it I handed it to him. I pointed out where on my receipt it rang up "Candy/Toy Gun". She looked at it, and said oh, it rang up under candy, that's why I didn't see it. She then handed Quinn his gun back. She then asked me about the top ramen on the top of my purse, I told her that my daughter opened it but that I had the cashier ring it up and showed her the outer packaging with the bar code on it that was in one of my bags, and then pointed out where on my receipt it showed up. She said oh ok, I just have to follow up on these things. I get it, theft is huge, and rather than pay for security cameras they hire people to pretend they are regular people grocery shopping and follow you around. Note to shoplifters: watch out for a middle aged Hispanic lady in a red hoodie and way too much make-up. (*Huge sigh of relief that I did pay for that toy*, my kids have done that before, but luckily I got to stand in line for 20 minutes so I was fully aware of the toy.) I did learn my lesson though. Do not shop at Fiesta Foods. (Yes I realize I could probably file a complaint, but she was just doing her job, and apparenlty from the 3 previous shoppers a necessary one.Iif it wasn't for all the crap leading up to that point it totally wouldn't have even felt like a big deal. Heck, it's already funny to me!!)
But the fun does not end there...

We finally get back into the parking lot and unload our groceries; I return the cart, buckle the kids into the car and then realize that the jeep parked next to me has crossed over the standard yellow parking line. And it's going to make it very difficult for me to back out. I try to back out, it's a no-go. I was offically stuck,( well... unless I wanted to inflict some serious damage on a little white camry. It's not like they have security cameras, lol). The parking lot is too narrow as well. Most places are, which is why I park iin the back... by no one else. Ugh. I could't back out without turning my steering wheel a direction it won't go while moving slowly. I pulled back in and thankfully the owner of the jeep showed up a few moments into my inner tantrum. I only had to wait for them to load up their car and pull out before I had enough room to back out and leave my own little hell on earth.

I will NEVER, not EVER!! Step foot into Fiesta Foods again. NEVER, not even if they have a great sale (they can be price matched at Yokes anyway!!) But even if they were giving out free groceries to everyone named Sarah I would not go. :)

*Please note this are my own personal feelings about the store, you are welcome to have your own. However, if they are of a positive nature I will delete them to uphold the integrity of my whinny post! :) lol.

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