Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Change is Good

I am happy most days. I love my good (albeit, complicated and at times overwhelming) life. Yet, I want more. I think it's human nature to want to continue progressing, and I've been told if you aren't moving forward you are slipping backward. So, I am going to make some changes.


Step 1: The House
I want to be more organized. WAY more organized. A place for everything and everything in it's place. I am pretty organzied as it is. I know where everything is, but no one else seems to so they have to ask me. Also, there is always clutter and junk that is funkdafying (funk-da-fy-ing, it's a real word. Or it should be! lol.) my areas. So my solution is less stuff, a lot less stuff (think dumpster!)  and clean, organized areas clearly labeled so everyone else knows exactly where something belongs.
This is going to be a VERY long project, but I am going to dedicate an hour of my day to this 'change' until it's done. I am going to start at the bottom far corner of the house, the laundry room, and move on from there. :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dirty Dishes and Sticky Kisses

American Idol winner Scotty McCreery's song Dirty Dishes is awesome. I think it's a little too slow for me, but that's probably just because it makes me cry, lol. Dang, country music!

I've heard lots of little poems and songs that have a similar message but this one is most def one of my faves! I am thankful for alot of things and it just so happens that dirty dishes and sticky kisses are two of my favorite things. :)

Momma Hollers, Suppertime
And Don’t Make Me Tell You Twice
Wash Your Hands And Wipe Your Face
The Table’s No Place For Your Toys

And Try To Use Your Inside Voice
Don’t Dig In “Til We Say, Grace
So We Put Down Our Forks And Bowed Our Heads
Then She Prayed The Strangest Prayer Ever Said

I Wanna Thank You, Lord
For Noisy Children And Slammin’ Doors
And Clothes Scattered All Over The Floor
A Husband Workin’ All The Time

Draggin’ In Dead-Tired At Night
A Never Ending, Messy Kitchen
And Dirty Dishes
We All Got Real Still And Quiet

And Daddy Asked, Hon, Are You All Right
She Said, There Ain’t Nothin’ Wrong
Noisy Kids Are Happy Kids
And Slammin’ Doors Just Means We Live
In A Warm And Loving Home

Your Long Hours And Those Dishes In The Sink
Means A Job And Enough To Eat
So, I’m Gonna Thank You, Lord
For Noisy Children And Slammin’ Doors

And Clothes Scattered All Over The Floor
A Husband Workin’ All The Time
Draggin’ In Dead-Tired At Night
A Never Ending, Messy Kitchen

For My Little Busy Bees
Beggin’ Momma, Momma Can We Please
Always Wantin’, Needing, Callin’ Me
Loads Of Laundry Pilin’ Up

Crayons Crushed Into The Rug
And Those Little Sticky Kisses
And Dirty Dishes
And Dirty Dishes

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Black Friday

Days til Black Friday: 9 (well, technically 8 days because it actually starts at 10pm Thanksgiving Night.)

I know a lot of people who have mixed feelings about this Holiday. (Yes, to me it is a Holiday! lol ) Some of my dearest friends hate it with a passion. But, I am pro BF. Hugely so. I love a good sale and this is the mother of all sales. :)

This year I am going to make matching bandannas for our posse, apply war paint to my face, draw a map of my "plan of attack", maybe even make shirts that say "I bite". I don't really bite, or elbow, or steal out of people's carts. In fact, I am as non-crazy as they come, but I love the crazies and it just so happens I am quite theatrical.  I mean, just think of the wierd looks I'd get and fun facebook posts I would start with a shirt like that!   

I can't wait. I am so excited! I have a lot of things I want to cross off my list. If I am lucky enough to find it all - great, if not it's no big deal. A good attitude makes all the difference. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Scholastic Book Offer

Did you know that Kellogg's is offering a $5 Coupon for a Scholastic Book if you buy 2 of their specially marked cereals and enter the codes on this website http://www.scholastic.com/kellogg/stepOne.htm

How SWEET is that?! :) Pretty dang sweet if you ask me! And with Albertson's doublers coming out for 5 days this week I see some cheap cereal and awesome books in my very near future!!

*You only need two Kellogg’s codes to receive a free book, but the more Kellogg’s codes you enter, the more $5 Book Coupons you will receive!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Gotta Keep Your Head Up. Only Rainbows After Rain.

Forget Me Not

"We spend so much time and energy comparing ourselves to others- usually comparing our weaknesses to their strengths. This drives us to create expectations for ourselves that are impossible to meet. As a result, we never celebrate our good efforts because they seem to be less than what someone else does....

God wants to help us to eventually turn all of our weaknesses into strengths, but He knows that this is a long-term goal. He wants us to become perfect, and if we stay on the path of discipleship, one day we will. It’s OK that you’re not quite there yet. Keep working on it, but stop punishing yourself.

Many of you are endlessly compassionate and patient with the weaknesses of others. Please remember also to be compassionate and patient with yourself....

Be thankful for all the small successes in your home, your family relationships, your education and livelihood, your Church participation and personal improvement. Like the forget-me-nots, these successes may seem tiny to you and they may go unnoticed by others, but God notices them and they are not small to Him. If you consider success to be only the most perfect rose or dazzling orchid, you may miss some of life’s sweetest experiences."

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
General RS Meeting
October 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Country Music

Nothing can make me cry faster than Country Music. That's usually why I don't listen to it. I say that I don't like it, or that it's just too "twangy" for me. Truth is, I love country music. BUT, it usually makes me ball like a baby. 'I loved her first', 'Stealing Cinderella', 'I still miss you' the first three songs I've listened to today. Each one = tears. There is so much love and heartache, loss, truth, pain and emotion in country music. I cry every time and usually over every song.

Today is the perfect day for country music. :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Random Rambling

It's been so long since I've written anything for this blog. Sad times. I love blogging! :) I wanted to have a nice coherent topic for you to read about... something lighthearted and upbeat, but every time I start writing I end up finishing the sentence typing "blah, blah, boring, blah"! lol. So instead I'll give you a brief peak into my discombobulated thoughts.

Brad's gone. He's not only an amazing brother, and pseudo child, he is one of my best friends too. It's a funny story, about a year ago... we were eating breakfast and laughing about silly things and he said, "Sarah, you are pretty much my best friend. That is really sad for the both of us!" lol. Now he is gone. For two years he is gone. I miss him and I am really sad. I know it's a great opportunity for him, and he'll come back even cooler than when he left, but I'm selfish so I am sad and cry "all the day". Hopefully he is happy and the next two years will go by quickly.

Marley has eczema, and this weather is drying out her skin super fast. Poor tiny baby. I need a lotion-warming machine so she is more willing to let me lotion her up 3 times a day.

I no longer like Sugar-Free Redbull. It's a long story. It's funny... and not really all that long. I drank WAY too much. Now the smell of it makes me queasy. Darn Halloween. Now I need to find myself another energy drink that I can love. Pink Rockstar? We'll see. :)

Quinn has a speech problem. I worry about him. Not that he won't be able to fix it, he will. He is a super smart, borderline genius child... but I worry about other kids being mean to him in the meantime. I don't want him to be sad or have his feelings hurt by abhorrent children. Kids are mean. That causes me anxiety. I can't feel comfortable putting him in a daycare "knowing" he won't like it. It's outside of my control, which means I can't find a different job. I won't even look. Jabali wants me to, but my OCD/Anxiety won't let me. Xanax doesn't come cheap!

I usually love to do dishes and laundry. Not lately. That makes me grumpy. So, I need to designate half of my day tomorrow to board games and laundry and the second half to dancing and dishes ... and bedrooms, cuz yikes!  But I will need to go buy more "Marley friendly" laundry soap first.

Life has been complicated and difficult lately. I wish I could be positive all the time and always look on the bright side of things. I can't. It's exhausting. It's ok to have bad days. Not everyday can be a great day. And people who pretend they do or enjoy portraying a "perfect life", one without any bad days or frustrating challenges are annoying. If you are one of these people just know normal people like me... well, we don't like you! :)  

I want to win the lottery. I don't play, but it'd be great to win. I do realize the odds of winning without purchasing a ticket are pretty slim but I'm just not willing to part with my "me money" these days. So, basically, winning the lottery is out. haha.

Staying up until 2am just to see my husband is hard to do, especially when my days usually start a few short hours later.

I love popcorn. I really, really love it. Especially the theatre popcorn dipped in nacho cheese sauce. I would eat that everyday the calories didn't count! :)

Friday, November 11, 2011


Happy 11:11 11.11.11!!

So fun! :)