Tuesday, January 10, 2012

All or Nothing About Me?!

I keep starting and then stopping an "About Me" section for my blog. It's one of the first things they suggest you do when you set up a blogging account. It's suppose to have it's own little tab/page too. Intense.

I've always had trouble with the whole write about yourself kinda thing. My myspace intro was so dumb! Thank heavens for the delightfully confusing layout of Facebook! haha. I mean, what things do you say... what things do you omit? How much info is too much? Is there a protocol to it?

I looked around on a few of my favorite blogs... and most of them are super basic, vague and honestly kinda lame. Pretty much like the one I already have up on my page. "blah, blah, husband, blah, blah, kids, blah blah life.... blah." lol.

I was thinking of going big. Drop your jaw "Ummm, what did you say? I had NO idea!" big. An expose of sorts. Then I remembered this is public and forever available to whomever has an Internet connection so that might be a little awkward if my love of pharmaceuticals popped up on a random "google your kids' friend's mom" kinda day (you know you do it too.)

So... somewhere between boring and intense would be nice. :)


NaDell said...

I always try to be creative, but mine is still boring. Oh well. I don't worry about it too much...
How clean is your house with all that caffeine in your system?

Sarah Ray said...

Rite? No worries, me too!! It's probably better that way. lol

OH so clean!! I cleaned and cleaned. I even did my kids' chores for them so they could have a "day off". Then I proceeded to do laundry. I don't think the headache after it wore of was worth it or I'd totally do it again! haha