Sunday, January 15, 2012

Zombies vs Mom

I am losing the fight for sleep against these "zombies" of Quinn's dreams... and last night was the worst. I managed to get only 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep and it was sandwiched between Marley and Quinn on a less than comfortable twin matress.

Poor little guy, he was so scared. He woke up screaming for me... "Mom, where are you?! Please find me Mom!!" When I picked him up he was shaking and with wide-open, terrified eyes told me zombies were coming out of the play clothes trunk so I reminded him that I have superpowers and zombies, monsters and bad guys are scared of mommies [trying to convince him they don't exist doesn't work, it just makes him upset]. He said ok, and asked me not to leave him. So he curled up next to [practically under] me. I thought that would be enough of a safe and secure environment for him and we'd get to sleep til morning. Not the case this time. Every noise in the house freaked him out. He'd squeeze me, start shaking and tell me the zombies were back. I'd describe the sound he heard and then tell him what made the noise, "Nope, nothing is there the _____ sound you heard was ... kenzie walking around upstairs ... uncle Brad moving around in his bed ... my tummy rumbling ... marley snoring ... the toilet flushing. This went on for about 3 hours. I held him and sang about 10 primary songs [all that I know, lol] and he finally feel asleep... then just 2 short hours later Marley was awake and ready for the day, and she was NOT in a "Good Morning Sunshine" kind of mood! lol.

Needless to say it's going to be a nap kinda day! :)

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