Thursday, February 9, 2012

a life not our own

Parents are just people. They get to make mistakes too, right? Unfortunately no. Not without directly affecting our children and their future.

People seem to think, that their life is theirs to live. "Who cares?!"  "It's not like I'm hurting anyone." "It's my life." Its not. Seriously, wake up. Your actions have consequences for others... especially your children. Each and every decision parents make will affect their children. One way or another we are shaping the people our children will become, for better or worse. 

As for me I will forever live my life for my children. Giving birth to them changed my whole existence. My life is harder, but better because they are in it. Their best interests will always be in the forefront of my mind and I would do anything for my children.

I want to be better and I constantly strive to be a better mother and in general a better person. I am not perfect. Far from it and I try my best not to judge others, it's not my place.... but some people make it so hard to like them.

*Disclaimer: I realize this is a pretty vague post and some of you are going to think it is aimed at you. Rest assured it is not, unless your name is Corrin. But, if while reading this you thought it was about you... that might mean something.


NaDell said...

Agreed. People should have to take a test before having kids! But then, where would agency fit in?

Parents are people? Weird. ;)

Sarah Ray said...

I hate making mistakes, but agency is an important part of life. :)

I just wish words or time or help could show this "mom" what she is doing to her child.

She recently text me that she was going to be moving and so she won't be able to see her son for a month or so... she'd let me know when she could see him next. She has only seen him once since Christmas break as it is. She told me to tell him she'd call and talk to him that night. I wasn't going to mention anything but he was getting so excited to go see her for the weekend, they had planned to go see a movie this time. When she didn't call him it devestated him, and had a breakdown at school the next day.

I don't know what upsets me more... the fact that she believes she's doing the best she can, or the fact that her son notices she isn't.

What can you do? I guess that's what therapy is for!! :)

Dwelling on it only affects me, not her. So I just like to be dramatic and voice my opinion often so I can wash my hands (and mind) of her actions. lol. :)

NaDell said...

Some people just don't understand how motherhood is SUPPOSED to change you (for the better!) Sorry her life affects yours so much negatively. It's rough to expect something and be disappointed, especially for kids. =(