Monday, February 27, 2012

those kids

You know those kids you don't want your children to be friends with? 

The ones who make bad choices, use foul language, are rude, defiant, and just overall not good examples??

My kids LIVE with those kids.
[long heavy sigh]

I tried to fix it.
.. but it appears to be something I can not medicate for, discipline out, correct, or change.

now what?

send kids to their room for all acts of inappropraite behavior, which makes them think I hate them and am punishing them for being who they are


continue to let my kids be surrounded with this negative influence that makes my skin crawl and my neck ache??

I tried fixing it. It didn't work.
So I tried to ignore it.

It's no longer bareable. My little children are now mimicing thier older brothers. 
It's what little kids do.

And I can't ignore that. 


NaDell said...

I have no suggestions, just sympathy. How hard and tough and so unfair, but that's life sometimes, right?

I guess you can't expect (and I'm sure you don't) automatic change, but it sure would be nice!

Have you tried that defiant child behavior system they sell on the radio? I can't remember the real name. They ask on the commercial, "Is your child rude, defiant, or back-talking? Try this...." Look it up and see if it's worth the cost and make them pay if it doesn't work! Hope that helps a smidgen. =)

Sarah Ray said...

Yes that is life. :) Some children are most definitely harder than others. And it's usually the ones that need the most love and extra attention. There is just only one me and it feels like to focus on one or two results in the others being ignored thus creating more acting out and more children in need of attention and love. haha.

And yes!! lol I actually was talking to my husband about that just the other day! It's on my list to check out. Anything that could help should be investigated, and I need better time management skills. I want to go get that 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families book I hear good things:)

I am sure I am not the first one in this situation... someone has a book somewhere! lol. If not, once I figure it out, I will write on so other overwhelmed moms can read it and be like "see?! I am not alone in this hopeless strugle." lol... kind of a weird title I'll have to work on that.

p.s. your comments always help! :)

NaDell said...

My second comment didn't go through I guess. I said that if they do something they shouldn't (especially if it's swearing in front of the younger kids), have them read to the younger kids a Dr Suess book or something.
I'm happy to comment anytime. =)