Friday, March 2, 2012

a pocket FULL of sunshine

I mean FULL of ... well, SUNSHINE. At least in this girl's book. :)

And even though money may not grow on trees; happiness does come in pill form.

I know what you are thinking.
 If it's so great why don't you take it everyday?
I would if I could.

Happiness is expensive.

And when you don't have health insurance the cost can be the difference between
real food for the month or Top Ramen...

Today was a soup kinda day anyway.


NaDell said...

This is one of my absolute favorite songs! I think the kids usually join me in belting it out and point out to me that it's a song I like too. How can you feel bad while you croon about sunshine (unless it's the "ain't no sunshine when she's gone." song...) ;)

Sarah Ray said...

YES! ... the aint no sunshine song is another one of my faves too, despite its somewhat somber tone. Something about sunshine... just makes me smile! :)