Monday, May 21, 2012

reflections of an irrational mind

*disclaimer: this isn't going to make much sense to you. It's merely a collection of the current ramblings of my irrational mind.

This is how I spend most of my Sunday evenings...

... and then I spend the rest of the night on Pinterest because I am too hopped up on the energy drinks I needed to stay awake during my 5 - 6 hour drive. Try not to be jealous, not everyone is cut out for a life of excitement... I am one of the lucky few. :)   

Numbers are awesome. I love numbers almost as much as I love making lists. Using numbers is beneficial in so many ways. And just plain fun! (I feel an 'ode to numbers' post in my future, I'm writing it in my head right now! Yep, awesome.) 

I enjoy cleaning, it makes me feel happy to have things neat and organized. Cleaning up after people is different though, I do not like that. To be clear I am not talking about a few toys the littles or their friends leave behind. I am talking about the dirty, smelly shoes and disgusting socks all over my house. And the snack wrappers and garbage shoved into the couch cushions (despite the rule of no eating in that room!) Then there's the spilled food or juice on the floor that is so kindly left for me to step in ... and then clean up.  

Teenage boys are gross. I mean seriously nasty. When you clog the toilet, fix it... dirty dishes belong in the sink, not under your bed as some science experiment... deodorant is a daily thing, just like showering (and for the record neither one will actually kill you). It will never be ok to wear the same shirt two days in a row (or more!) especially if you have an aversion to bathing and deodorant... okay? okay.

I was perusing my blog details tonight while suffering through Marley's bedtime episode of Diego ... and I realized that my view count is crazy high. I didn't know I had so many "readers"! Makes me a little self-conscious to think people actually read this madness.

Being the bearer of bad news sucks, but when I refuse to be the messenger of sadness or punishment, it just goes unsaid or isn't dealt with until I can't stand it anymore and have to handle things ... which sucks worse.

I love summer, but I hate being outside. It's true ... weird, but true. It's too much open space, too much unpredictability. That's why I want a fenced yard so bad, I think it would help my anxiety levels when I am outside. And even though it's stressful, I go outside everyday, for hours at a time. In fact I spend most of my day outside during the spring and summer, but it takes work to get out there and stay out there. I bet you didn't know that about me.

I don't watch tv. We don't have cable or even an antennae for local channels, but I do love Netflix. Which feels different but it's pretty much the same thing.

I miss sleep. Oh how I miss sleep. I am so tired and I want to junk punch Jabali because he isn't here for me to kick outta bed to investigate loud noises inside, weird sounds outside or fight off bad guys and imaginary rabid coyotes that break into my house to eat my children. True story. For such a proud-that-I'm-so-independent lady I sure turn into a big sissy at night. Changing tires, no problem! Jump starting a car, sure thing! Fixing major appliances, piece of cake. Creepy sounds in the middle of the night? Yeah, no frikkin way! lol. I am pretty proud of myself though, I have investigated every creepy sound thus far... we may be down one vacuum attachment and a chunk of drywall off the corner in the hall but all in all, I think it's been a success! :) 1 week down, 7 weeks to go!  

1 comment:

NaDell said...

Your picture didn't show up....
Other people's messes (that are actual messes) make me crazy too. Even my 9 year old daughter is getting to the point that she needs to shower daily. Stinky kids!
Where is Jabali? Is he working far away?