Saturday, November 12, 2011

Random Rambling

It's been so long since I've written anything for this blog. Sad times. I love blogging! :) I wanted to have a nice coherent topic for you to read about... something lighthearted and upbeat, but every time I start writing I end up finishing the sentence typing "blah, blah, boring, blah"! lol. So instead I'll give you a brief peak into my discombobulated thoughts.

Brad's gone. He's not only an amazing brother, and pseudo child, he is one of my best friends too. It's a funny story, about a year ago... we were eating breakfast and laughing about silly things and he said, "Sarah, you are pretty much my best friend. That is really sad for the both of us!" lol. Now he is gone. For two years he is gone. I miss him and I am really sad. I know it's a great opportunity for him, and he'll come back even cooler than when he left, but I'm selfish so I am sad and cry "all the day". Hopefully he is happy and the next two years will go by quickly.

Marley has eczema, and this weather is drying out her skin super fast. Poor tiny baby. I need a lotion-warming machine so she is more willing to let me lotion her up 3 times a day.

I no longer like Sugar-Free Redbull. It's a long story. It's funny... and not really all that long. I drank WAY too much. Now the smell of it makes me queasy. Darn Halloween. Now I need to find myself another energy drink that I can love. Pink Rockstar? We'll see. :)

Quinn has a speech problem. I worry about him. Not that he won't be able to fix it, he will. He is a super smart, borderline genius child... but I worry about other kids being mean to him in the meantime. I don't want him to be sad or have his feelings hurt by abhorrent children. Kids are mean. That causes me anxiety. I can't feel comfortable putting him in a daycare "knowing" he won't like it. It's outside of my control, which means I can't find a different job. I won't even look. Jabali wants me to, but my OCD/Anxiety won't let me. Xanax doesn't come cheap!

I usually love to do dishes and laundry. Not lately. That makes me grumpy. So, I need to designate half of my day tomorrow to board games and laundry and the second half to dancing and dishes ... and bedrooms, cuz yikes!  But I will need to go buy more "Marley friendly" laundry soap first.

Life has been complicated and difficult lately. I wish I could be positive all the time and always look on the bright side of things. I can't. It's exhausting. It's ok to have bad days. Not everyday can be a great day. And people who pretend they do or enjoy portraying a "perfect life", one without any bad days or frustrating challenges are annoying. If you are one of these people just know normal people like me... well, we don't like you! :)  

I want to win the lottery. I don't play, but it'd be great to win. I do realize the odds of winning without purchasing a ticket are pretty slim but I'm just not willing to part with my "me money" these days. So, basically, winning the lottery is out. haha.

Staying up until 2am just to see my husband is hard to do, especially when my days usually start a few short hours later.

I love popcorn. I really, really love it. Especially the theatre popcorn dipped in nacho cheese sauce. I would eat that everyday the calories didn't count! :)

1 comment:

NaDell said...

Your brother will do great on his mission. It's so hard when they leave though. Now you'll have a good place to send those papers your kids bring home from church or make at school. =)
Speech problems are hard. Olivia had one that made her sound like a New Yorker, with a deep voice and everything. She had trouble saying l's and f's and some other sounds, but the speech lady at the school helped her so much and now she's much easier to understand. Vincent still has several sounds to work on, like not putting F in front of every word...
Could you nap between when the kids go to bed and when he gets home or when the other kids nap during the day? I'm sure you stay up late since you have older kids in sports and stuff...I stay up until 2am as well, but I nap in the middle of the day and I don't really have any excuse as to why it's always 2am other than that I like to do things by myself when it's quiet, like watch a movie, make lunches, tidy the house, laundry, read a book without interruptions, craft, or blog. My kids don't wake up too early either, so that's not quite as hard over here. They usually wake up about 7:30 or 8am (when I get up).
What is the job you have now?
I hope I don't annoy you with my blog....I hope people know I'm normal-ish.
Popcorn dipped in nacho cheese sounds amazing! Now I'm super hungry....thanks. ;)