Sunday, January 22, 2012

My New Year's Resolution

I realize that January is almost over but I finally settled on a NYR that I like. Usually I do a ton of them because I like goals and setting out what I want to accomplish is important to me, but this year I am focusing on only one. One very big (to me) very hard (for me) Resolution.

2012: Learn to say NO and STOP being a doormat.

I have already stood up for myself three time this month alone. It is hard, and it is not being received well. Just tonight I almost caved to a 12 year who likes to bully me into things, but I didn't let him win. I remembered that I was going to stand up for myself. Going to buy donuts, at dinner time, in a car I don't like or trust is not something I am going to do tonight. Suck on that bitches.

That last sentence is completely necessary, I assure you. :)

1 comment:

NaDell said...

That's a pretty great resolution. Maybe next time he wants donuts, he could look up a recipe to make some and he could make them, clean up, and share them while you supervise (after dinner, of course.) Now I really 'need' donuts too! ;)