Friday, February 17, 2012

The Mom Challenge

 "There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one.... "

I originally "re-pinned" this idea from my Aunt Jani's pin on Pinterest. [Here are my boards, ya know.. in case you feel like following me :)]

Often I find myself thinking I am not good enough at this mommy thing. I want to do more activities like she does, or take my kids more places like they do, or have more time to do this or that... pretty much I am hard on myself because I'm afraid I won't be the best mom ever. And I really, really want to be. Seriously I want my kids to brag to their friends about how amazing their childhood was. So this is an attempt to uncover new and exciting way to be a great mom.

1 comment:

Kaye said...

Im sorry I wasnt that mom for you!