Saturday, June 18, 2011

Latest "Medical Condition"

Warning: Due to the graphic nature of this post it may be unsuitable for some.

I've had my fair share of health issues/problems. Don't misunderstand I am not complaining, just explaining! :) I am very blessed with good enough health. I know that I am way luckier than others I love and quite enjoy my 'amoung the living status'. But if mother nature could cut me some slack it would be appreciated! I have been menstruating (uh, I totally hate that word, just ew...) experiencing a slightly longer than normal period. And by slightly I mean I have been bleeding for 38 days (and counting). I have purchased 7 boxes of tampons. I am extremely exhausted, the whole anemic part just really isn't my thing. I've been enjoying great cramps and the joys of never-ending back pain. The whole sitch makes me grumpy-- in addition to the already moody person I am during that time of the month (or entire month, haha.)

I did go to the doctor, apparently it's a big deal. Got lots of blood test done, had an ultrasound, and well they don't know. Not the answer I was hoping for. But they did prescribe me massive amount of hormones to convince my body it was time to stop bleeding. I took 3 birth control pills in the morning each day for 3 days, didn't work. Now I am taking 6 birth control pills a day each morning for 3 days. And if that doesn't work? ... something about surgeons and pre-op appointments for exploratory surgery.? Seriously though, 6x the normal amount other women use. Sheesh. Perhaps it's time to consider a little gender reconstructive surgery. haha.

I have gotten used to the bleeding, it's like a way of life now. Annoying, gross and expensive... but I'm used to it. What I am not used to is the intense amount of hormones just raging up a storm. I am super duper sensitive to smells, I can't sleep at night cuz I feel sick and hurt all over. I am like a pregnant woman on steroids or something. I cry, I laugh, I yell, I cry some more. It's hard. I am grumpy most of the time and it seems like everything and everyone irritates me. The way people walk, talk, chew, breathe... gets me so annoyed I want to punch strangers. (I usually love people I don't know yet, so this is big.)

I would like to stop taking these pills, I would like to stop bleeding, I would like to start feeling better. I would like to be me again. I know that's not perfect either... but I'm fun at least 50% of the time when I'm not bleeding 100% of the time! lol. :)

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