Friday, June 3, 2011

What If...?

I heard a saying the other day; can't remember where now, but it said :

"What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for tonight?"

Whoa, right?! Needless to say my prayer was quite a bit longer than normal tonight. I thought of every little thing I use on a daily basis all the little treasures I take for granted and of course the big important things I have been blessed with, like my amazing children and wonderful family. And on, and on.... and on! :)

When you stop to think about everything you have, all God has given us... it's truly amazing. My brother Jake, who is on a mission in Brazil, told us to pay attention to our blessings and not to let any go unnoticed or unappreciated.

It's important to be thankful for what we have, because if we are not grateful there is a chance that we might lose it.

What will you be thankful for tonight?

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