Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Incessantly Overcooking

I don't mean burning my food, I mean preparing way too much! But let me explain why:

1.) Unknown Numbers
I never know who will be home for dinner.
 If friends will be staying for dinner.
If girlfriends will be coming over for dinner.
Or who will show up during dinner time hungry. 

2.) Hungry Hungry Hippos
Some days the kids are starving, they eat plate after plate of food. Other days, not so much. But we have 4 teenage boys in this house (5 if you count Dylan) ...  can you imagine if all of them were super hungry at once?!

3.) Leftover Lovin'
I love leftovers, always have. They make the perfect lunch, quick snack or lazy day meal.

I have always overcooked, always. Lately, to appease my husband I have been trying to cut back. Yesterday, I made Spaghetti. I made just enough to feed the people that I thought were going to be there and hungry. Then we had company- I no longer had enough food. I didn't eat any dinner so there would be enough for everyone else. There still wasn't going to be (Jabali was bring J2 home from Ellensburg and they were sure to be hungry)... so I had to make more. More meat, more sauce, more noodles, more bread, more veggies, more dessert. More time out of my day. Instead of "over cooking" like I am accustomed to and personally prefer to do, I had to re-cook a second spaghetti dinner. Not my idea of a good time. Plus, I am a firm believer that spaghetti is always better the second day, it's the perfect left over food.

Needless to say, I have now fully embraced my incessant overcooking. In fact I think I will invest in some nice shiny new Tupperware to feed my addiction. :)

1 comment:

NaDell said...

I too am an overcooker. I'd rather have too much than not enough and not have to cook the next night if it's not gone. Spaghetti is one of the easy ones to make more, if needed, but things like enchiladas and lasagnas, not so much. I made four complete dinners yesterday. I took three to friends who were either sick or had a new baby. It was great. Pizza Spaghetti (baked spaghetti with cheese, pepperoni, and olives on top basically), homemade French bread, Zucchini brownies, green beans, fruity jello, and green salads with ranch and tomatoes and cucumbers. I think I started cooking at noon and didn't really rest (except when I fed Abby in the middle) until we sat down to eat. It was great to get it all done though-all at once.
BTW-The pasta, ranch, green salads, tomatoes, cucumbers, and fruit in the jello were all free from couponing or people giving us things. Even better!