Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Not every day can be a great day.

what I did today:
woke up earlier than I wanted to
made eggs and bacon for breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen
fed Kenzie, then fed the puppies and took them to out to play in the yard
fold and put away 6 loads of towels, blankets and kids' clothes
played with kids
tried to cheer up Brad, failed.
worked for 2 hours
re-sorted dirty clothes in the laundry room
changed and started more laundry
made lunch, cleaned up lunch
went to an appointment ... at a welfare office - because we are that poor for the next few weeks
picked up a couple of things at the grocery store
unloaded groceries and put them away
changed and started more laundry
made snacks, cleaned up snacks
sang songs with Marley
watched Quinn play a video game
put Kenzie in the puppy house to feed puppies, realize she won't
feed the puppies again, played with them in the yard with the kids again
worked for 2 more hours
loaded kids into the car to take J2 to the farm to do horse chores with grandpa
drove over to the school to pick up Xie from football practice
made snacks, cleaned up snacks
changed and started even more laundry
took out the garbage
redirected Xie (new meds.not my idea.not going well.)
unloaded the dishwasher
loaded the dishwasher
redirected Xie, stopped him from throwing pillows at people
cut up chicken and packed it into ziplocks for the freezer
hung out with Jesse, talked about life
feed Kenzie
redirected Xie, took toy sword from him
set up playdoh for the kids so I could make dinner
redirected Xie, took playdoh knife from him
made dinner: kickin' chicken salad and hamburger helper
started chore time with kids
packed snacks/foods/drinks for Brad's trip to Idaho
tried again to cheer up Brad, he laughed this time, win.
dished up some wheat thins and read books to the kids before bedtime
Pjs and Teeth for littles
sent boys to bed at 9:30, scolded them about not finishing chores.
changed and started one more load of laundry
2 more hours of work then bed.

... all while experiencing constant, debilitating cramps and bleeding from this fetching IUD (it's suppose to be helping fix my issues, not make them worse... apparently it didn't get the memo.)

Now, these were all important (and I really did enjoy doing some of them) things to get done in my day but :

what I wanted to do today:
go for a jog
organize the pantry
cut coupons
watch True Blood with my handsome, hardworking husband
read my book
shower and do my hair, something other than a pony-tail.

(insert long, sad sigh here)

There is always tomorrow, but I feel cranky because lately tomorrow never comes. People all around me are doing the things that make them happy. And the things I want to do most rarely make the cut in my almost always over-booked days. Perhaps I don't make myself feel important enough, but if I keep sacrificing the things that make me happy I will start resenting people and put on my cranky pants ... and then no one will be happy. Tomorrow, I am going to start with my 'want to do' list THEN go on to my responsibilities. Other than the necessities of course, like feeding people and animals and handling disasters including Marley's daily "I don't want to poop in the potty, but I refuse to wear a diaper" drama. :)

Long story short: tomorrow I am going to put me first for a bit and see how it goes.


NaDell said...

Sounds like a day in the life. Always working, but not much to show for it. It's so frustrating sometimes! I hope you get to do a few wants today. I really think there is something about the weather changing and making people extra cranky lately (MYSELF TOTALLY INCLUDED!)

Sarah Ray said...

I know. Somedays are just 'blah'. I hope it's the weather. I would love to blame something other than myself!! haha.

I did better today. I got to do a few of my wants, but it threw off the rest of my schedule and I felt selfish and behind all day. I think I will work on finding balance next. :)