Friday, September 30, 2011

Such a Foolish Day

Yesterday I felt so busy. I was constantly on-the-go, being way too busy for my own good. Which should mean I accomplished a ton, right? Sadly no, I accomplished very little. Which reminded me of this:

"The foolish expend a great deal of energy and time trying to do everything and end up achieving nothing." -- Lao Tzu

Looking back on my day I was literally running in circles. Cleaning then cooking, then cleaning again... and then more cooking -- follow that up with a little more cleaning. Circles I tell ya, circles. It doesn't stop there either; puppies, work, errands, play time, preschool, laundry, discipline, reading, couponing, spending time with my husband. BUT! Trying to accomplish everything left me achieving nothing. I need focus. If I directed all of my energy on one task until that task was complete I could have done a lot more. So I am going to spend the next few days trying something new. I will make a list of things (cuz, ya know...lists make me giddy!) that need to be done, and I will do them in order completing each task before moving on to the next one. I am excited to see how it goes. :) 


NaDell said...

I've had days like that too. It's worse when I have a list and get distracted from a few weeks ago when I was supposed to be doing five other things and ended up sweeping the back patio and falling in the sprinkler hole and breaking pipes.....not my finest moment. It's much better to finish tasks before starting another, but when you're doing laundry, there's time to do more and you are going to be interrupted by kids and other things for sure! Have fun rearranging lists.

Sarah Ray said...

Thanks lady!! I had enough time to build mud castles with moats and serve up a delicious dinner. But I only accomplished half of my need to do list... there is definitely room for improvement. lol.