Sunday, December 18, 2011

Oh no you did-n't :)

My step boys Jabali and Xavior have a propensity for offering up unwanted parenting "help". This LONG Christmas break has not been an exception.

Today's little pre-teen parenting tip: Eat all your food or sit at the counter forever.

Xie to Marley: You can't get down until you eat everything on your plate. So sit back down and eat your breakfast.

Me: I'm sorry, what? Do I make you eat everything on your plate? Has that EVER been one of my rules?

Xie: No, but she should not waste any food. And I don't want her to think she can treat me the same way she treats you.

Me: Um... wow, I didn't realize she treated me so poorly. And you, the ultimate waster of food is going to judge a 2 year old? Hmmm... :) How many kids do you have X?

Xie: (rolling his eyes at me) None.

Me: Oh, that's right you don't have any kids. I know you are just trying to help me, but like I always point out, I don't need help parenting. Especially from someone who is not yet a parent. :) But the good news is when you do have your own kids you can force them to eat all of their food and leave them with emotional scars that cause eating disorders if you want, but these are my kids and I'll raise them how I feel is best.  If you want to help me ... do some dishes :).

Xie: I am never going to have any kids. All they do is make big messes and cause problems.

Me: Tell me about it! (smirked at him)

Xie: Oh shush! At least I clean up after myself... some of the time!

Me: :) How's about those dishes??

Xie: (walking away laughing) Not a chance!

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