Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Back to School Shopping

It's that time again. Back to School time. Yes, I realize it's still the first week of August and technically we still have a few more weeks left but school starts at the end of THIS month.

I have recently learned that now is the time to shop for school supplies. I know what you are thinking: "Really? Why so early?" Well the ads that are put out with all the deals companies are running is based on the East Coast, and their schools start early this month. So if you wait til just before school starts you might not be able to find everything on your list, and even if you do find it you will be paying full retail price. $2.49 for a pack of pencils when you can get them at Office Max for .01 cent this week. $2.99 for a 24 pack of crayons that you can get right now for .24 cents at multiple locations.

I will be shopping this week for all the school supplies for Jess and my boys, and getting the at home art supplies I will use over the next 6 months. Maybe a few stocking stuffers... crayons, markers, books. I will also be picking as many 'extra' supplies I can afford to buy and donate them to our local elementary school kindergarten classes. Sounds like I am a giving individual right? Well, kinda.

I do LOVE participating in charity events... and rarely have an ulterior motive but this time I do have another reason. :) Why donate to the elementary school? In case I am not making enough money to put Quinn and Marley in private school right away. If I donate supplies, box tops, and volunteer at PTA events people will know me. And I want to have my name established so my children will get special treatment. It happens people. I know they don't want you to think it matters, but it does. And I will do everything to give my kids "a leg up" so to speak! lol. :) Fingers crossed I have enough money to afford private school though.

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