Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rampant Enthusiast for.... *wait for it*....


Eh, say what!? Well, I can now feel my double (rapidly increasing in size) chin. Before I could just see it in pictures, mirrors... reflections in water haha. That was discouraging. But now, oh boy... I can feel it. The uncomfortable way my chin rests my neck... yeah, that bothers me. Today Marley tried to hold it up for me. Such a sweet girl. lol.

Steph's adorable already. And now mom and Shels are on this healthy get fit kick. It's great. I am jealous. Unfortunately I do not have extra money for miracle fat burners, or expensive supplements or $1200 to pay a personal trainer for motivation. Not that I would necessary do it even if I had the money. But I have never been much of a "group exerciser". I prefer to go it alone or with a same-level partner. Someone who I don't feel the need to dress up for, who doesn't care that I didn't brush my teeth or am still wearing underwear from 2 days ago (don't judge me, :) it happens.)

BUT, all theatrics aside. I am going for it.

It's going to happen people. I will tag along, I will put exercise on my to-do list. I will eat less carbs and more protien. I will lose weight. IT.IS.GOING.TO.HAPPEN. Come hell (in the form of tiny cans of oh-so-disgusting tuna by the ton) or high-water, it will happen. :) I am excited to be hot again.

Now I need some attainable goals to keep me going.

... and pretty new running shoes!!

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