Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Bedtime Snack

At our house we usually have 3 main meals and 2 snacks a day. Breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon Snack, Dinner and a Bedtime Snack. I have met many people opposed to the idea of a bedtime snack; "you are teaching them a bad habit", "they aren't going to sleep as well", "they are going to get fat". Here is why I don't worry about those "things" and why I LOVE the bedtime snack...

1. I know for a fact they are not going to bed hungry. This to me is HUGE. I can't stand the idea of my children being hungry.

2. It is a simple, healthy snack not a meal. No overload on sugar or obscene amounts of food. Usually some popcorn, fruit slices, bread cubes, Nutri-grain bars... or something along those lines. Also, it's a proven fact that eating less food more often is healthier than 3 larger meals and starving yourself in between them.

2. They are so active during the day that I am not worried about them consuming too many calories. Not to mention, most of my children are underweight or have weird eating patterns due to medications or picky taste buds, so even the 'extra' calories are good for them. In fact, it was a pediatrician who inspired this delightful tradition in the first place.

3. My kids sleep fine. Not great but who can say their toddlers sleep through the night, every night? It gets easier with age, not the number of hours after eating. And quite frankly, I get far less complaints about bedtime now than before we started the bedtime snack.

4. It's a great bonding time. We get to kick back and relax, recap our favorite parts of the day or enjoy a little movie while munching on some of our favorites treats.  

The Bedtime Snack, my favorite meal of the day! :)

1 comment:

NaDell said...

Kids really need the bedtime snack. Just as long as it's really a snack and not so much a treat, I think it's good for them (although a treat occasionally won't hurt them either). We give them options of baby carrots, apples, cheese sticks, cucumbers, or a piece of bread. Healthy and filling things. =)