Tuesday, October 4, 2011

And the coolest mom award goes to..... ME!

Today was Xie's first away football game. I could not go, but I packed him a bag of snacks and "good luck" treats for the bus ride, accompanied by a nice big " I LOVE YOU!" note. He'll shake his head and pretend to be embarrassed when his friends see it, but deep down it'll make him feel all warm and fuzzy. :)

But the story doesn't end there. Oh no. See, reminding your ADHD husband to tell your ADHD son to remember his bag of goodies doesn't always go as planned. It was left at home. No big deal, I would just to take it to him. I left in time to meet him in the halls when school let out, but there was road construction! They blocked the road I needed to take to get to the school!! Again, not a big deal until ten minutes later I was still sitting there waiting for the big machinery to move outta the way so I could go take the detour. Now I was dangerously late.

When I made it to the school I grabbed Quinn and ran inside to the office and asked where the football bus was parked, she informed me that they were parked in the back by the locker rooms, but they were scheduled to leave 5 minutes ago. I said thanks and ran back to the car. I had to at least try. So I buckled Quinn and headed to the back of the school...

We made it, and the bus was still there!! I jumped out grabbed Quinn and started running across the grass field toward the locker rooms where the bus was parked. Quinn started climbing up my side like a monkey and my pants started to come down in the back! I couldn't stop though the bus was already starting to pull out. So I kept going... and so did my pants. I had Quinn in one arm the snacks in the other, and my bum was partially exposed to some interested middle schoolers. Not full on 'Debord Garbage Day Expo' kinda nudity, but more than I was comfortable with. My run turned into a jig/wiggle run as I tried to dance my pants back up while still moving. Good times. :)  I was almost to the parking lot when the bus pulled out onto the street, the driver didn't see me.

Ugh. .... So sad, well I tried. I'd still get some credit, right?!

But then it occurred to me that I could cut it off at the new fire station. I headed back to the car, again sporting the butt-out-wiggle-run. I re-buckled Quinn and we headed toward the highway. I didn't catch the bus by the fire station, two other cars were in front of me, but I followed it to the light, praying it would turn red. IT DID!! I pulled up along the side of the bus, grabbed the bag of goodies and jumped out of the car. I knocked on the door and scared the bus driver. He quickly opened the door and kinda stared at me in disbelief, he started to ask me if he could help, and I jumped halfway up the steps and held out the bag for him to take and polietly asked if he could pretty please make sure Xie Ray got this. He smiled and said, "You bet!" I thanked him and got back into my car, gave Quinn a high five and then proceeded to pull into line at the stop light headed to Pasco, not back home... but still, I did it. :) That's love right there.

If that doesn't get me an award I would at least like a cookie, or maybe....  a mini marshmallow treat!!  :)

1 comment:

NaDell said...

I'll give you the cool mom award and a bonus award of a belt for those pants. =) You must be loosing weight! Sounds like an excellent workout program.