Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tear-filled Eyes and a Broken Heart

I hate to see you in pain, it sucks. It makes me want to throw things and punch strangers (...and I love strangers). I'm a fixer, and I can't fix this.

I wish that you never had to know heartache.
I wish that you never had to cry yourself to sleep at night.
I wish that you never had to fight the emptiness.
I wish that you never had to lose someone you love.
I wish that you never had to dread morning.
I wish that you never had to feel so all alone.
... I wish that you never had to be sad. :( 

It breaks my heart to know yours is broken, I tear up seeing the pain in your face. I wish I could make it all go away. Say the magic words that don't exist. Give you the experience without the pain. 

I want only the good things in life for you.  All happiness, rainbows and unicorns! :) ... or mermaids whatever you want. .... and if there was a way I could spare you from the misery that sometimes happens in life, I would do it. If I could take your pain on I would. I would cry your tears for you.

But I can't.

Having your heart broken hurts. Like a fire you can't put out, it consumes you and makes you think life is over, but it's not over (trust me). Now, some people say time heals all wounds. That's a lie. Over time the pain will fade, but the memory will always be there. I think of it like breaking your arm; no matter how much time passes it doesn't change the fact that it was broken, but every day it hurts a little less. Eventually you'll stop thinking about it and hopefully focus on how it helped shape you as a person, the life experience you gained... and then maybe one day you'll be able to help comfort someone else in a similar situation.  

Just know that I love you and I would do anything for you. Life does go on, even if it feels like there is nothing left to live for, there is. I promise to you there is. This is just a stepping stone in your journey to greatness. :) .... and mermaids.

(thanks for posting this quote Angie)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you!!