Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Laughing Out Loud

I love high fives. Seriously, love them. We high five (and pound it) for nearly everything at our house. :)

"great job on the dishes" *high five*....
"way to brush your teeth til they shine" *high five*....
"that's a great tower you built out of blocks" *high five*... 
"you ate all of your lunch?!" *high five*....

You get the point. I love high fives, and I also love to laugh.

Laughing is great for the soul, and I do it everyday. :) So when I saw this, I literally laughed out loud. Not the simple-everyone-does-it- kind of laugh. Oh no, this was the "burst of laughter that makes people stop and see who the crazy person in the room is" kinda laugh.

Just in case you haven't laughed yet today:

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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