Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Party like a Rockstar!!

After being 28 for two years (due to some faulty calculations on my part, lol) I am officially 29! This is the last year of my twenties, and my birthday weekend was a great beginning to the end of my youth. (Haha. Dramatic much?!)

My mom took me and (paid for) a late-lunch-party with some of my wild and crazy girls at Twigs, the newest and coolest restaurant in the Tri-Cities. Their sexiest bartender has the hots for me so I love going there (... and my husband works there too! j/k haha). My mom bought 3 Creme Brulees and Jackie bought 1. Seriously. YUM! My obsession with that perfect dessert is boardline obsessive. haha.

After lunch Jackie took me to spend my birthday money she and Nate gave me (she wanted to make sure I really spent it on myself... she totally knows how it goes, lol). So, thanks to Jackie I got my dream running shoes. Lime Green Nike Dual Fusions. They are amazing and so fun to look at... I LOVE THEM!

Shelby and Jesse babysat the kids for me, and wouldn't let me pay them! It wasn't a few hours either, it was like all day! :)  I la-la-love birthday babysitting!! 

On Sunday, the kids and I got to 'craft it up' with Shel and our all-time-favorite neighbors in all the world! We made puffy paint Halloween shirts and picture frames. The we had pumpkin shaped brownies covered in frosting and sprinkles (and ice cream!) for a treat! Everyone had a blast. I can't wait until our next 'Create Playdate'. I see sugar cookies in my near future! :)

On Monday, my official birthday -- Shellie brought me over Redbull, Brad took me and Shel to a movie and Mom babysat my kids. We saw Real Steel, it was a great movie. I loved looking at Hugh Jackman, it had a nice positive storyline, Shel cried three times, but... my favorite part? Meeting my couponing idol Karrie from Happy Money Saver, who just happened to be sitting next to us. LOL. Talk about Birthday SURPRISES!!  I love her, love her. And I was really composed (so proud of myself). It went a little like this:

Brad (to nice couple next to us): "blah.blah. small talk.blah"

Me: Is your name Karrie?

Karrie: (surprised) Uh, yeah it is.

Me: I knew it! I follow you... and I like you on facebook... and I love you.

Brad: (laughing) What?!

Me: She's my coupon girl. Happy Money Saver.

Brad: LOL. You are such a stalker. Hey did you bring your binder, maybe she'll sign it?

Karrie and her husband: laughing at us.

Me (to myself): this is the best birthday ever!

Shel (to Brad): Great Brad. I try really hard to make sure Sarah's birthday rocks, because she's always
doing stuff for everyone else. Lunch, Tanning, Slippers, Cheesecake, Lotion, Laces for her new shoes... all you do is sit next to the right people and make her whole year! haha.



NaDell said...

I see her all over the place too. Her daughter goes to the ballet studio we go to. =)
Glad you had a great birthday! Sounds wonderful.
I'm always thinking I'm older too. It's that old soul in us. (My internet birthday is a year ahead too-meaning anytime I sign up for things I use my fake b-day, so to most of the world, I'm 30 already-but who cares really since my husband is 9 years older?)

Shel said...

I Loved your birthday we need to go on another movie date with BRAD and Jess too soon..

Sarah Ray said...

My birthday always rocks! :) lol. and yes, movie time again soon!! I wonder who I'll meet this time?! :) haha.