Monday, October 3, 2011

Small Victories

I got the boys off to school with smiles. No arguing, no nagging, no complaints... just smiles.

I surprised the little kids with donuts for breakfast, they were so excited for such a simple treat. :)

Started decorating for Halloween. One of my all time fave holidays!!

I have already jumped on the treadmill - sans shoes, but it was a victory all the same! The blister on my heel hurt so bad that 10 minutes in I decided that treadmill'n it barefoot would hurt less. It did hurt less. Barely. And running was out of the question, darn my flat platypus feet! (Sounds like I might need a different cardio activity for the next few days.)

Built the "most awesome fort ever" for the kids to play pretend in this morning.

I got the third ink cartridge installed in the printer. So it's finally working now! I even printed my first batch of coupons and I'm so excited to get re-organized. Next up pre-school printables!!

Lunch is easy today, leftover Papa Murphy's and fruit. Which means more time for arts and crafts.

It's 11:11. One of my favorite times of the day. (OCD much?!... uh huh!) Whenever I see that time it makes me smile. :)

Hooray for small victories!!  


NaDell said...

You are not alone! I used to stop our microwave on 3 seconds left. I did it so much that Jeff and Janessa started doing the same thing (especially when they were heating up my food-I trained them well-because they knew I liked to have it stop then.) Now, I just like to get to the microwave before it beeps because I hate that beep-beep-beep-BEEP sound. Now, do you feel better about looking at a clock twice a day? ;)

Sarah Ray said...

LOL!!! I love this story! hahaha.