Thursday, October 27, 2011

Small children and the Parents who don't love them.

I am always disappointed when I take my children out to play at a park, indoor play land or pretty much anywhere other small children are. A lot of parents suck. Really bad. It bothers me.

Last week I took the littles to watch Xie's last football game. There were lots of other small children there. I was running around and playing with my kids whenever Xie wasn't in (he doesn't go in very often and sports aren't my thing, if I don't know someone playing I am extremely bored) so we played a lot! And naturally other kids see us having fun and want to join in, no big deal. There was this 2 (most likely closer to 3) year old that hung out with us most of the game. I often wondered why no one came looking for her. And then she got hurt. Still no one came. She had jumped off the top of some metal bleachers after I explained (in my mom voice) that it was too dangerous for her to do (the older boys were doing it) and I asked her if she wanted to come jump from lower down like Marley was doing. She told me no and jumped off. Her feet hit the ground then her nose hit her knee. Instant bloody nose. She starts screaming and crying. I panic, of course. Someone else's child got hurt on my watch, granted  no one asked me to watch her, heck I didn't even know her name... but still I felt responsible. I asked her to come over to me so I could help her. She said "No, you are a stranger and I won't talk to you." I said "Good for you honey, strangers can be dangerous, but I am just a mom, and I have some tissues in my bag, let me help fix you up and then we can go find your mom." Of course she screamed no at me and stomped off. What 2 year old wouldn't? But she stomped off to the fence toward the parking lot and sat there crying into her knees. Where was this child's mom?!! Or anyone who loved her for that matter... she had been "gone" for a long time and now she was hurt and crying. Poor girl.

Another time at a park in Richland, a small girl (who also seemed parent-less) was playing with us for about 30 minutes and as we were all walking away from these giant fish she tripped and fell on the sidewalk. She started screaming and Quinn stopped, turned around and helped her up. I was walking over to ask her where her mom or dad was when this lady on a cell phone came marching over. "What happened?" "What did you do to her?" she said as she glared at Quinn. I said, "Your daughter tripped, my son was politely helping her up." I put my hand on Quinn and told him he was a nice boy for helping his friend when she fell. I wanted to tell her if she would have been watching her child rather than talking on her phone she would have known that, but I don't like causing scenes in front of my children. I dread going to parks because very few people watch their children these days. They are all too busy on their smart phones. I go to the park to play with my children not to babysit someone else's.

Now, I have met some great moms and fun kids that we get to play with, that totally rocks! And there is always that one mom who could use some help keeping track of everyone... we love to help them out, it's fun to help.

I just wish there were meter maid type patrols in public places. Where people would be ticketed for not watching their children. I want them to pay a fine. lol.

Harsh? Maybe. :)

1 comment:

NaDell said...

I agree. It's annoying when people play on their phones instead of paying attention to their kids. I wish there was a way to pay someone to play with my kid some days right after I have a baby, but I don't take them to a park (especially huge ones) where I can't pay any attention to them, especially when you're walking somewhere. Pay attention!
As my husband says, "You know what's wrong with the world? OTHER PEOPLE!" I do really appreciate it when someone else helps my kid down from somewhere on a toy if they happen to be an extreme hovering parent and like to climb in the toys with their kids (my dad totally does that, even at McDonald's with grandkids....he's pretty much awesome!), but I make sure to say thank you to them and if my kid happens to fall down, I for sure would never blame someone else and if there is a squabble, I usually take the other kid's side. Maybe I'm harsh like that....or maybe I know my kids. ;)
Talk about a run-on sentence. Wow. I'm a babbler.
Sounds like you are doing a little better today.
Maybe you should start a drop in child entertainment company. You already do all kinds of crafts and things with your kids. Have friends with kids (who you already know and they don't bug you) pay you a little to craft with their kids. Like a low key 4-H??? Maybe as Christmas shopping gets closer people would like that ('cause you obviously don't have enough to do...) and people are always wanting to shop without kids at that time of year or even when they do their weekly shopping. Hmmmm.... Are you still in Burbank?