Friday, October 21, 2011


I hate that we have 50 towels, and yet I can never find a clean one. Why is this? Perhaps it's a similar situation to the "missing sock" dilemma, you know... there are a thousand socks but none of them match?

I always tell the kids to use the same towel more than once. Do they? Of course not. That would require extra steps on their part like hanging it up after they use it. Or going to their room to get the towel before heading to the bathroom to shower. No, it's much easier to waste my time and energy.

I have to go room to room collect the towels, then sort them and start washing them. Not all at once of course after all there are 50 remember?!

Today I will go to the store and buy them their very own, super awesome, special towel. I will wash it with their laundry and they can be responsible for it. If I see them using a different towel, there will be a laundry tax applied to their allowance. :)

Fair? I totally think so!


Shel said...

Does that apply to my house...
Cause i think i'll start charging a "sin" tax so i can cover my towel tax :)

NaDell said...

I just make the kids put their towels back in the bathroom when they're done, but really just the hooded ones because they will stay hung up. We also don't bathe them daily. That helps a lot. I guess I'm too OCD to have unmatched socks.....I rarely lose them, but then again, I make the kids pick up their own socks and put them in their hamper too.
Good luck on the new system! One time my mom embroidered our name on towels so she knew whose it was.

Sarah Ray said...

Shel- That would totally work, or like a sin jar. :) lol.

NaDell- The little ones aren't a problem I follow them around and pick them up, it's my older discusting teenage boys. It's a constant battle to keep them smelling decent (I don't even try for clean anymore). Seriously one of them tried to explain why he didn't have to wear deodorant to school. Ew. Boys are gross.

And unmatched socks get thrown away. I tried to wear some "similar" socks, didn't make it to the door. I wish I could, but can't do it either. lol. I think I am going to do colors everyone gets their own special color. :)