Thursday, October 13, 2011


In two hours I will kiss my little ones good bye and hop in the car with my two older boys to begin our long drive to Ellensburg and back. Some months the kids' schedules line up to where I am only driving twice a month, but this is not one of those months. I drive to  and from Ellensburg on  Friday and  then again on Sunday, for three weeks in a row. (At least its not four, that happens too!)

Don't tell my husband this but I don't actually mind the drive. It's fun to some extent. The boys and I make silly memories like stopping at every McDonalds on the way there to try and get new Monopoly pieces so we can win a million dollars. Or singing at the top of our lungs to Justin Bieber, well I sing... they laugh at me. :) We talk about big kid stuff and there are no little kids to interupt them, I think they love the one on one big kid attention. Then when I get travel time with Jo, she talks her little heart out to me. Tells me all about her life, her school, her friends, her other family. Then when she runs out of stories we play games (most of them made up) and tell jokes. She has the best jokes. :)

I just wish it wasn't so hard to find babysitters. I use up all my bribes and favors on driving kids to Ellensburg which leaves me s.o.l. for babysitters when I want to go out for fun or grocery shopping. That is the sucky part. Sometimes I wish it was safe and socially acceptable to hire bums to "work for food" lol. I make a mean lasagna. :)


NaDell said...

It is a nice little drive. Might as well have a good attitude about it since you know you have to do it anyway. =)
So, she's not forgetting this month, huh?
(If your kids knew me, I'd offer to babysit. We'll have to get together so that's a possibility.)

Sarah Ray said...

I'm not too fond of it at night, but during the day it's so fun to look at all the little towns along the way. Plus it's easy, you just drive straigh!! :) lol. I love easy.

And, no she didn't forget. :) I text her, emailed her and called her all last week. But he is actually spending most of the time at his auntie's house. lol. it works! he is happy! :)