Sunday, October 16, 2011

You say fake, I say polite.

I've heard several conversations lately about people being "fake". One in particular about someone I know, but I don't think she's fake. I think she's being polite and acting like an adult and I said as much.
While I agree there are some people who are extremely fake, ya know the people whose opinions change depending on the crowd of people they are with. Or the over the top friendly person with a personal agenda. And don't forget the ones who are nice to your face then constantly talk crap behind your back. Everyone knows at least one of these people. They become overwhelming, and in my life I just ignore them,  or hide them -- facebook style. :)

Just because you are mature enough to tolerate your dislike of another person does not mean you are being fake. It means you are well-mannered. If you start drama or act like a bitch because you don't like someone it doesn't mean you are 'real', it means you are a bitch.

Here is a story for you: There are two girls that don't like each other anymore (once best friends now they can't stand each other) but these two girls have a mutual friend. This mutual friend is having a birthday party. These two "enemies" simply fake getting along for the sake of the mutual friend they share, after all it's her party! That is being an adult. Only children can get away with throwing tantrums and making a scene.
Taking the high road and being polite is the right thing to do. Whether it's viewed as fake or not.


NaDell said...

My two mutual friends who used to be besties and were hating each other for a while and visibly cringed when I mentioned the other actually sat next to each other in RS yesterday and one held the others' baby. Maybe they are finally going to grow up. I hope so. I don't like to feel in the middle!
I like this post. =)

Shel said...

Sorry for causing a scene... still love me?

Sarah Ray said...

I just wish you and Jordan would kiss and make up... wait, you did. Literally. :) Consider yourself uncut! lol. Dork.